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Spaying & Neutering Procedures

Surgical sterilization procedures such as spaying and neutering are important for the health of our animals to reduce certain bacterial infections, venereal diseases and several types of cancer. In addition, spaying and neutering can help control unwanted pregnancies and, therefore, the overpopulation of dogs and cats that end up on the streets and in our shelters.

Dogs and cats, typically, experience sexual maturity between 6-12 months (females – experience first signs of heat at 8-to 12 months). It is recommended that most animals are spayed or neutered in between 6-8 months with exceptions based on an animal’s breed and health status. Pre-surgical examinations and blood work are required prior to surgery to reduce the risk of general anesthesia. PBAH follows strict anesthesia protocols and thorough surgical monitoring to provide the best care to our patients undergoing surgery. Animals are discharged on the day of the procedure.

Please contact PBAH to schedule a surgery consultation and/or evaluate potential medical concerns of sexually intact animals.