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Soft Tissue Surgery

At Precious Bond Animal Hospital, one of our main focuses is soft tissue surgery. There are many types of soft tissue surgeries. External soft tissue surgeries are typically related to growth removals, skin laceration repairs, eyelid laceration repair, eye removal procedures, ear hematoma repairs, spay and neuter procedures and tail amputations. Internal soft tissue surgeries would include surgeries pertaining to such organs as the uterus, testicles, stomach, intestines, spleen, urinary bladder and kidneys.

The most common soft tissue surgery in veterinary medicine is surgical growth removal. As animals age, nodules/lumps can develop. It is important for these growths to be surgically removed and sent to the laboratory to fully evaluate and diagnose the nature of these growths – benign vs malignant.  Early detection and removal of these growths are important to reduce the potential spread of certain types of cancer.

To inquire more about a surgical consultation, please contact PBAH to schedule an appointment.